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Veteran Kentucky lawmaker Richard Heath, who chaired a House committee, loses in Republican primary

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — Republican state Rep. Richard Heath, who twice ran for statewide office and was a leading voice on agricultural issues as a committee chairman, lost his reelection bid in Kentucky’s GOP primary.

The veteran lawmaker was among the few incumbents unable to fend off challenges Tuesday.

State Rep. Killian Timoney, a centrist Republican, was defeated by Thomas Jefferson, who outflanked the incumbent with hardline stands on social issues. It was one of several primary clashes pitting different factions within the GOP — the Bluegrass State’s dominant political party.

Republican state Sen. Adrienne Southworth, who had her own clashes with the Senate’s GOP leaders during her first term, lagged behind two challengers in a race that was too early to call.

Other incumbents turned back challenges in what generally was a low-turnout primary.
